How to Stop Children from Grinding Their Teeth: Effective Strategies for Parents

Understanding Bruxism in Children

Bruxism the medical term, commonly known as teeth grinding, is a condition observed in both adults and children. In children, it often occurs during sleep or under stress. Although it is not uncommon for children to experience bruxism, consistent grinding can lead to a sore jaw with painsensitive teeth, and wear on their baby teeth.


  • Stress and Anxiety: Just like adults, children can grind their teeth in response to tension or anxiety.
  • Teething and Discomfort: Younger children and toddlers may grind their teeth as a response to the discomfort of teething.
  • Dental Issues: Misaligned teeth or an abnormal bite can also lead to bruxism.

Detection and Impact:

  • Enamel Wear: Over time, a child’s persistent grinding may lead to the wearing down of the enamel, making teeth more susceptible to decay.
  • Facial Pain: Regular grinding can cause the child discomfort in the form of jaw pain or headaches.
  • Sleep Disruption: The act of grinding can sometimes disrupt when a child sleeps, leading to daytime sleepiness or behavioral issues.

When to Seek Help:

  • Persistent symptoms: Should a child consistently exhibit symptoms of bruxism, a pediatrician or dentist should examine them for underlying causes or dental issues.
  • Treatment Options: While many outgrow this habit, treatment might include stress reduction techniques, the use of a mouth guard, or addressing specific dental issues.

Understanding the root causes and impacts of bruxism in children can prompt effective management strategies, ensuring the child’s comfort and long-term dental health.

Identifying the Causes of Teeth Grinding

Before delving into methods to prevent teeth grinding in children, it is crucial to understand the root causes, which can be broadly categorized into psychological and physical factors. These causes often intersect in complex ways, contributing to the condition known medically as bruxism.

Psychological Factors

Stress and Anxiety: In many cases, teeth grinding in children can be a physical manifestation of psychological stress or anxiety. This can stem from changes in their environment, such as starting school or tensions within the family. They may not voice their stress, but it can manifest through teeth grinding during sleep.

Emotional Problems and Disorders: Some children may suffer from emotional disorders such as depressiontension, or worry, which could contribute to nighttime bruxism. Additionally, disorders characterized by hyperactivity, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), are often associated with teeth grinding.

Physical Factors

Jaw Joints Misalignment: Physical issues such as malocclusion, where the child’s teeth do not align properly when the jaw is closed, can lead to habitual grinding. Similarly, an improperly aligned temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can create an urge to grind teeth, aiming to relieve discomfort from the imbalance.

Sleep Disorder: Conditions like sleep apnea can also be linked to bruxism in children. Sleep disruptions caused by apnea may trigger teeth grinding as a reflex action. Earaches and headaches may also exacerbate teeth grinding due to the pain and tension in and around the jaw muscles.

Understanding these contributing factors is the first step in addressing and managing bruxism in a child effectively.

Young Children with medical conditions such as developmental and intellectual disabilities are often teeth grinder.

Professional Assessment and Treatment Options

Effectively addressing childhood bruxism typically starts with a thorough professional evaluation leading to a range of interventions, ranging from dental appliances to therapeutic techniques, tailored to the child’s specific needs.

Dental Evaluation for Bruxism

Upon noticing signs of teeth grinding in children, a pediatric dentist is often the first professional to conduct an assessment. The evaluation may include a detailed examination of tooth alignment, enamel wear, and any potential irritation or jaw pain. In some cases, polysomnography, a comprehensive sleep study, might be recommended to diagnose sleep-associated bruxism. Dental splints or nightguards can be prescribed to prevent further tooth damage. These custom-made devices fit over the upper or lower teeth, providing a barrier to relieve pressure and protect tooth enamel from further erosion.

  • Splints/Night guard: Custom-made to fit child’s mouth
  • Focus Areas: Tooth alignment, enamel wear, jaw pain
  • Treatment Goal: Alleviate irritation, protect enamel, reduce pressure

Medical Interventions and Therapies

When bruxism is linked to broader medical issues, a pediatrician or a specialist, such as a doctor of sleep medicine, may need to be consulted. Treatments may include medications, although these are generally used as a last resort in children. Alternative therapies under the guidance of a pediatrician or physical therapist can address associated muscle pain or dysfunction. In certain cases, Botox injections have been used to reduce severe muscle clenching, but their use in children is approached with caution. If bruxism is related to stress, behavioral strategies or counseling may be helpful. A mandibular advancement device may sometimes be prescribed to manage associated sleep disorders, especially when bruxism is linked to conditions like sleep apnea.

  • Possible Interventions: Medications, Botox, behavioral therapy
  • Goal of Treatment: Address root causes, relieve symptoms, prevent tooth damage
  • Consultation: Pediatrician, sleep medicine specialist, physical therapist

Implementing the appropriate intervention from a professional standpoint can greatly reduce the occurrence of teeth clenching in children and mitigate its effects on dental health.

Home Care Strategies and Lifestyle Adjustments

Effective management of childhood teeth grinding involves promoting relaxation techniques and carefully evaluating daily habits—all aimed at reducing the instances of bruxism in children. Adding a teething toy or chewlery has also been a great help for Mickell he uses these to reduce stress which is a common issue with Autisitc young kids. You can read about some of the options we tried here

Establishing a Calming Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine is integral to reducing stress and preventing teeth grinding in children. They may benefit from relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or meditation before sleep. A tranquil bedroom environment is also essential for good sleep hygiene. It’s advisable to incorporate a warm bath or shower, and activities like reading or listening to soothing music, which can help the child relax and prepare for restful sleep, thus potentially mitigating the likelihood of teeth grinding.

Dietary Considerations and Restrictions

The dietary habits of children can influence instances of teeth grinding. Limiting or avoiding caffeine and chocolate close to bedtime is recommended as they can exacerbate gum sensitivity and disrupt sleep. Additionally, the avoidance of chewing gum can help as it might lead to overuse of jaw muscles, potentially causing them to become more habitual to the motion of grinding. Parents should also be aware of eating disorders, which could be related to bruxism, and seek appropriate help as these can have an impact on dental health and overall stress levels.

We find with Mickell that adding crunchy or chewy foods to his diet has been one of the best way to reduce the grinding of teeth.

Meet the Author

Since 2019, we have spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars researching all things related to Down Syndrome and Autism in order to help Mickell reach his maximum potential. From Apps to products to therapes we have researched it and tryed it. We leave no stone unturned learning and sharing new things with you. Learn more about how our T21 Journey began, and why he decided to start this cereal blog. If you want to send Tony a quick message, then visit his contact page here.

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