The T21 Journey was born in 2019 when Mickell entered the world. During the early stages of our Journey with Mickell, we discovered that it is tough to find information, tips, guidance and to meet other people on their T21 Journey so the idea for “The T21 Journey” was formed resulting in the creation of this website.
We have 24 hours, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year experience dealing with State agencies, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Advocacy groups while researching new forms of treatment, approaches, and techniques.
We will tackle Down Syndrome and Autism from multiple angles such as a Dad’s perspective, a mom’s perspective, a sibling’s perspective, and viewpoints from family, friends, and professionals.
We will share facts and dispel myths, highlighting the accomplishments and not shying away from the difficult aspects of life that go in tandem with a Down Syndrome or Autism diagnosis.
This website along with all of our Social Media platforms was launched in 2023 and we then purchased “Endangered Syndrome” the website for the Canadian Down Syndrome Society to continue sharing information around that really topical area that needs to be kept in the public discourse.
We will share our findings and thoughts with you on all topics related to Down Syndrome, whether that is textbooks, products to support therapies, or toys to keep our little guys and girls happy.
You don’t have time to read the latest research papers on areas of interest such as therapies or AI so we will read it for you and share the facts. We will attend conferences and events sharing what we learn with you.
Mickell was diagnosed with Autism and a moderate learning disability when he was three, so you will also see us discussing topics that relate to this dual diagnosis as is the case with many children and adults living with Down Syndrome.
The most important thing to note is that this website is called “The T21 Journey” and not “Mickell’s T21 Journey”, yes we will share his journey but this will be a community for all people on their “T21 Journey”. We want you to share your story which we will publish, Let’s have a page for everybody’s story and immortalise them.
Our future plans include adding a forum for a safe place of discussion and advice. We will also build a range of products and supports that we will release ranging from printables, books, and support products.